
Un Nuage D'osmoz


Un Nuage D'osmoz is a standardbred horse born in France in 2008. Un Nuage D'osmoz is by Nuage Noir (FR) out of L'etoile D'escrit (FR) , trained by E Allard. Un Nuage D'osmoz form is available here. Owned by Ecurie ES POU D'ES RAFAL.


Sire Nuage Noir (FR)2001
Dam L'etoile D'escrit (FR) [By Chaillot (FR) 1990]

About the horse

Description 16yo B Horse
Trainer E Allard
Owner Ecurie Es Pou D'es Rafal
PM France : EUR €441,490
Spain : EUR €3,280
Poland : PLN zł3,000
Hungary : HUF Ft480,000
Total PM AUD $499,671
Career 13 Wins (10%) - 14 Placings (21%) - 130 starts
Wins 2450m (1), 2650m (1), 2700m (2), 2725m (1), 2850m (2), 2875m (5), 4050m (1)