
Totoo Del Ronco


Totoo Del Ronco is a standardbred horse born in Italy in 2012. Totoo Del Ronco is by Ganymede (FR) out of Magic Vision Lf (FR) , trained by Mario Minopoli (JNR). Totoo Del Ronco form is available here. Owned by SCUD. SOC.ALL. TEAM MINOPOLI.


Sire Ganymede (FR)1994
Dam Magic Vision Lf (FR) 2006 [By Uronometro (ITY) 1994]

About the horse

Description 12yo B Horse
Trainer Mario Minopoli (Jnr)
Owner Scud. Soc.All. Team Minopoli
PM France : EUR €50,630
Total PM AUD $78,546
Career 5 Wins (17%) - 3 Placings (28%) - 29 starts
Wins 1640m (1), 2020m (2), 2060m (1), 2150m (1)