
Terrible Mauve


Terrible Mauve is a standardbred horse born in France in 2007. Terrible Mauve is by And Arifant (FR) out of For Ever Young (FR) , trained by Rita Martens-govaert. Terrible Mauve form is available here. Owned by Y. FAYT.


Sire And Arifant (FR)1988
Dam For Ever Young (FR) [By Passionnant (FR) 1981]

About the horse

Description 17yo B Gelding
Trainer Rita Martens Govaert
Owner Y. Fayt
PM France : EUR €119,210
Total PM AUD $110,411
Career 5 Wins (5%) - 8 Placings (13%) - 99 starts
Wins 2100m (1), 2150m (1), 2925m (2), 2950m (1)