


Renko is a standardbred horse born in New Zealand in 2017. Renko is by Gold Ace (NZ) out of Jewelz (NZ) , trained by M S Borg. Renko form is available here. Owned by P J Cole, J Fitch, M Magee, F Cole, A Dennis, B Deacon, T McNamara, J Wilson, L Marchesi.


Sire Gold Ace (NZ)2007
Dam Jewelz (NZ) 2011 [By Changeover (NZ) 2003]

About the horse

Foal Date 29 Nov 2017
Description 7yo B Gelding
Trainer M S Borg
Owner P J Cole, J Fitch, M Magee, F Cole, A Dennis, B Deacon, T Mcnamara, J Wilson, L Marchesi
PM New Zealand : NZD $5,108
Australia : AUD $38,642
Total PM AUD $43,459
Career 6 Wins (15%) - 8 Placings (36%) - 39 starts
Wins 1609m (1), 1650m (1), 1690m (1), 1700m (1), 1790m (1), 1800m (1)