
Quinoa Soyer


Quinoa Soyer is a standardbred horse born in France in 2004. Quinoa Soyer is by Ismael Du Pont (FR) out of Cathy Soyer (FR) , trained by A Rayon. Quinoa Soyer form is available here. Owned by C. GOULARD.


Sire Ismael Du Pont (FR)1996
Dam Cathy Soyer (FR) [By Jacques Des Blaves (FR) 1975]

About the horse

Description 20yo BL Mare
Trainer A Rayon
Owner C. Goulard
PM France : EUR €52,660
Total PM AUD $80,121
Career 2 Wins (5%) - 6 Placings (19%) - 43 starts
Wins 2600m (1), 2850m (1)
Name GRACE SOYER (2016)
WPS 0-0-8
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 2200m - 2875m
Win Distances -
Total Prize (AUD $) $798
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 0w-0p-8s - 2200m - 2875m - $798

Name DOLLAR SOYER (2013)
WPS 8-17-107
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 2050m - 3100m
Win Distances 2200m - 2875m
Total Prize (AUD $) $607,150
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G2 0w-0p-4s - 2050m - 3100m 2200m - 2875m $2,219
G3 0w-2p-14s - 2100m - 2850m - $73,713
Non Black Type 8w-15p-89s - 2050m - 3100m 2200m - 2875m $531,218