
Othia De L'airou


Othia De L'airou is a standardbred horse born in France in 2002. Othia De L'airou is by Ideal De L'iton (FR) out of Cour D'intheville (FR) , trained by J Julien. Othia De L'airou form is available here. Owned by N. JOFFROY.


Sire Ideal De L'iton (FR)1996
Dam Cour D'intheville (FR) [By Opior (FR) ]

About the horse

Description 22yo Dk B Mare
Trainer J Julien
Owner N. Joffroy
PM France : EUR €78,440
Total PM AUD $116,735
Career 11 Wins (14%) - 13 Placings (30%) - 79 starts
Wins 2400m (1), 2525m (1), 2600m (1), 2700m (1), 2775m (1), 2800m (1), 2825m (1), 2850m (2), 2900m (1), 3025m (1)
Name KADOTHIA (2020)
Win Distances -

Name DOTHIA (2013)
Sire NIKY (FR)
WPS 10-14-86
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 2000m - 3000m
Win Distances 2100m - 3000m
Total Prize (AUD $) $207,511
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 10w-14p-86s - 2000m - 3000m 2100m - 3000m $207,511