
Nahema De Blemont


Nahema De Blemont is a standardbred horse born in France in 2001. Nahema De Blemont is by Dance Marathon (FR) out of Belma De Blemont (FR). Nahema De Blemont form is available here. Owned by Y. HESTEAU.


Sire Dance Marathon (FR)1991
Dam Belma De Blemont (FR)1989 [By Tony M (FR) ]

About the horse

Description 23yo B Mare
Owner Y. Hesteau
PM France : EUR €130
Total PM AUD $214
Career No Wins (0%) - No Places (0%) - 7 starts
Name APOLLON D'ILLE (2010)
Sire KIWI (FR)
WPS 9-22-12
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 2000m - 3375m
Win Distances 2400m - 3150m
Total Prize (AUD $) $230,544
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 9w-22p-12s - 2000m - 3375m 2400m - 3150m $230,544