
Milliondollar Kiss

Milliondollar Kiss is a standardbred horse born in Australia in 2017. Milliondollar Kiss is by Million Dollar Cam (USA) out of Kiss Me Monty (AUS) , trained by J B Mitchell. Milliondollar Kiss form is available here. Owned by D Falvo.


Sire Million Dollar Cam (USA)1999
Dam Kiss Me Monty (AUS)1998 [By Safely Kept (USA) 1989]

About the horse

Description 7yo BR Mare
Trainer J B Mitchell
Owner D Falvo
Total PM AUD $94,065
Career 11 Wins (10%) - 32 Placings (41%) - 105 starts
Wins 1650m (1), 1660m (5), 1720m (3), 1790m (1), 1800m (1)