
Loona D'uze


Loona D'uze is a standardbred horse born in France in 2021. Loona D'uze is by Bold Eagle (FR) out of Celerite Mouriez (FR) , trained by Alain Chavatte. Loona D'uze form is available here. Owned by Monique MOUROT.


Sire Bold Eagle (FR)2011
Dam Celerite Mouriez (FR) 2012 [By Oiseau De Feux (FR) 2002]

About the horse

Description 3yo DK B Filly
Trainer Alain Chavatte
Owner Monique Mourot
PM France : EUR €9,570
Total PM AUD $15,647
Career 1 Win (17%) - 1 Place (33%) - 6 starts
Wins 2825m (1)