
Loch Ness Abat


Loch Ness Abat is a standardbred horse born in Spain in 2021. Loch Ness Abat is by Pascia' Lest (ITY) out of Galassia Spin (ITY) , trained by Manuel R Hidalgo. Loch Ness Abat form is available here. Owned by CUADRAS MRH.


Sire Pascia' Lest (ITY)2009
Dam Galassia Spin (ITY)2003 [By Viking Kronos (ITY) 1995]

About the horse

Foal Date 28 May 2021
Description 3yo BR Horse
Trainer Manuel R Hidalgo
Owner Cuadras Mrh
PM Spain : EUR €1,016
Total PM AUD $1,679
Career 2 Wins (15%) - 5 Placings (54%) - 13 starts
Wins 2100m (2)