
Little Demon

Little Demon is a standardbred horse born in Australia in 2017. Little Demon is by Modern Art (USA) out of Davids Lady (AUS) , trained by G L Lewis. Little Demon form is available here. Owned by G L Lewis, Estate of W H Szwanenfeld, G Small.


Sire Modern Art (USA)2001
Dam Davids Lady (AUS) 2004 [By Davids Pass (USA) 1992]

About the horse

Foal Date 30 Sep 2017
Description 7yo B/BR Horse
Trainer G L Lewis
Owner G L Lewis, Estate of W H Szwanenfeld, G Small
Total PM AUD $99,221
Career 11 Wins (15%) - 23 Placings (46%) - 74 starts
Wins 1609m (4), 1670m (1), 1690m (1), 1755m (1), 2160m (1), 2190m (3)