
Lionel (old LIONEL (NOR))


Lionel is a standardbred horse born in Norway in 2010. Lionel is by Look De Star (FR) out of Aurora Sign (FR) , trained by G Antonsen. Lionel form is available here. Owned by G. ANTONSEN.


Sire Look De Star (FR)1999
Dam Aurora Sign (FR) [By Smok'n Lantern (USA) 1997]

About the horse

Description 14yo CH Horse
Trainer G Antonsen
Owner G. Antonsen
PM France : EUR €979,000
Norway : NOK kr1,223,000
Total PM AUD $1,649,839
Career 18 Wins (25%) - 18 Placings (51%) - 71 starts
Wins 2100m (4), 2150m (1), 2600m (3), 2700m (5), 2850m (1), 2875m (2), 4150m (2)