
Lancelot D'eurvad


Lancelot D'eurvad is a standardbred horse born in France in 2021. Lancelot D'eurvad is by Very Well Jet (FR) out of Vive D'eurvad (FR) , trained by Guillermo Roig-balaguer. Lancelot D'eurvad form is available here. Owned by Ingrid POUPARD.


Sire Very Well Jet (FR)2009
Dam Vive D'eurvad (FR) 2009 [By Cygnus D'odyssee (FR) 1990]

About the horse

Description 3yo B Horse
Trainer Guillermo Roig Balaguer
Owner Ingrid Poupard
Total PM AUD $0
Career No Wins (0%) - No Places (0%) - 1 start