
Jus Livinthedream

Jus Livinthedream is a standardbred horse born in Australia in 2009. Jus Livinthedream is by Village Jasper (USA) out of Jus Dreamin Lombo , trained by M G Brennan. Jus Livinthedream form is available here. Owned by M G Brennan, M P Young, T M Darling, M J Harding, G S Black, G L Moore.


Sire Village Jasper (USA)1994
Dam Jus Dreamin Lombo2002 [By Perfect Art (USA) 1994]

About the horse

Foal Date 16 Oct 2009
Description 15yo BR Gelding
Trainer M G Brennan
Owner M G Brennan, M P Young, T M Darling, M J Harding, G S Black, G L Moore
Total PM AUD $115,314
Career 16 Wins (10%) - 31 Placings (28%) - 166 starts
Wins 1684m (1), 1750m (1), 2150m (3), 2242m (1), 2258m (2), 2400m (1), 2503m (1), 2631m (2), 2643m (3), 2683m (1)