
Jalno Madrik


Jalno Madrik is a standardbred horse born in France in 2019. Jalno Madrik is by Cristal Money (FR) out of Valseuse D'eurvad (FR) , trained by Herve Chauve-laffay. Jalno Madrik form is available here. Owned by Frederic TAULEIGNE.


Sire Cristal Money (FR)2012
Dam Valseuse D'eurvad (FR) 2009 [By Jasmin De Flore (FR) 1997]

About the horse

Description 5yo B Gelding
Trainer Herve Chauve Laffay
Owner Frederic Tauleigne
PM France : EUR €70,030
Total PM AUD $114,838
Career 3 Wins (9%) - 8 Placings (34%) - 32 starts
Wins 2650m (1), 2850m (1), 2925m (1)