
Jacinthe Du Boiron


Jacinthe Du Boiron is a standardbred horse born in France in 2019. Jacinthe Du Boiron is by Tornado Bello (FR) out of Une Du Boirond (FR) , trained by Eddy Planchenault. Jacinthe Du Boiron form is available here. Owned by Eddy PLANCHENAULT.


Sire Tornado Bello (FR)2007
Dam Une Du Boirond (FR) 2008 [By Du Bois De Santal (FR) 1991]

About the horse

Description 5yo B Mare
Trainer Eddy Planchenault
Owner Eddy Planchenault
PM France : EUR €97,625
Total PM AUD $159,857
Career 8 Wins (42%) - 5 Placings (68%) - 19 starts
Wins 2375m (1), 2400m (1), 2475m (1), 2550m (2), 2600m (2), 2750m (1)