
Iorik Marboula


Iorik Marboula is a standardbred horse born in France in 2018. Iorik Marboula is by Uniclove (FR) out of Quetsche Marboula (FR) , trained by Eric Nicolaysen. Iorik Marboula form is available here. Owned by Eric NICOLAYSEN.


Sire Uniclove (FR)2008
Dam Quetsche Marboula (FR) 2004 [By Viking's Way (FR) 1987]

About the horse

Description 6yo BL Gelding
Trainer Eric Nicolaysen
Owner Eric Nicolaysen
PM France : EUR €52,170
Total PM AUD $82,608
Career 5 Wins (11%) - 4 Placings (20%) - 44 starts
Wins 2175m (1), 2500m (2), 2625m (1), 3125m (1)