
Interlude Ferm


Interlude Ferm is a standardbred horse born in France in 2018. Interlude Ferm is by Bird Parker (FR) out of Time Will Tell (FR) , trained by Cedric Parys. Interlude Ferm form is available here. Owned by Ecurie FINCUMET GROUP OY.


Sire Bird Parker (FR)2011
Dam Time Will Tell (FR) 2007 [By Let's Go Along (FR) 1999]

About the horse

Description 6yo B Horse
Trainer Cedric Parys
Owner Ecurie Fincumet Group Oy
PM France : EUR €10,800
Finland : EUR €58,250
Total PM AUD $110,316
Career 19 Wins (35%) - 15 Placings (63%) - 54 starts
Wins 2100m (4), 2120m (5), 2140m (3), 2620m (1), 2640m (1), 2850m (1), 3060m (1), 3120m (3)