
Flipper D'occagnes


Flipper D'occagnes is a standardbred horse born in France in 2015. Flipper D'occagnes is by Look De Star (FR) out of Rani Pierre (FR) , trained by Nicolas Delamarre. Flipper D'occagnes form is available here. Owned by Pauline PROD'HOMME.


Sire Look De Star (FR)1999
Dam Rani Pierre (FR) 2005 [By Baccarat Du Pont (FR) 1989]

About the horse

Description 9yo CH Gelding
Trainer Nicolas Delamarre
Owner Pauline Prod'homme
PM France : EUR €38,840
Total PM AUD $61,621
Career 4 Wins (6%) - 5 Placings (13%) - 69 starts
Wins 2800m (1), 2850m (1), 2875m (2)