
Elina D'atout


Elina D'atout is a standardbred horse born in France in 2014. Elina D'atout is by Saxo De Vandel (FR) out of Queila D'atout (FR) , trained by Y A Briand. Elina D'atout form is available here. Owned by J. SECHE.


Sire Saxo De Vandel (FR)2006
Dam Queila D'atout (FR) 2004 [By Goetmals Wood (FR) 1994]

About the horse

Description 10yo B Mare
Trainer Y A Briand
Owner J. Seche
PM France : EUR €27,170
Total PM AUD $41,442
Career 2 Wins (7%) - 4 Placings (22%) - 27 starts
Wins 2300m (1), 2775m (1)
Name LOLO DU VELO (2021)
WPS 3-0-4
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 2175m - 2850m
Win Distances 2175m - 2850m
Total Prize (AUD $) $65,801
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 3w-0p-4s - 2175m - 2850m 2175m - 2850m $65,801