
Dasha Sl


Dasha Sl is a standardbred horse born in Italy in 2019. Dasha Sl is by Varenne (ITY) out of Oibambam Effe (ITY) , trained by Bellei Enrico Srls Soc Al. Dasha Sl form is available here. Owned by SCUD. CHELSEA SRLS.


Sire Varenne (ITY)1995
Dam Oibambam Effe (ITY) 2008

About the horse

Description 5yo CH Mare
Trainer Bellei Enrico Srls Soc Al
Owner Scud. Chelsea Srls
Total PM AUD $0
Career 2 Wins (22%) - 3 Placings (56%) - 9 starts
Wins 1600m (1), 1640m (1)