
Bonjovi Mmg


Bonjovi Mmg is a standardbred horse born in Italy in 2017. Bonjovi Mmg is by Ganymede (FR) out of Ethel Blak , trained by D Battistini. Bonjovi Mmg form is available here. Owned by BORTOT SABINA.


Sire Ganymede (FR)1994
Dam Ethel Blak

About the horse

Description 7yo B Horse
Trainer D Battistini
Owner Bortot Sabina
Total PM AUD $0
Career 18 Wins (35%) - 14 Placings (62%) - 52 starts
Wins 1600m (4), 1640m (5), 1650m (1), 1660m (3), 2020m (1), 2040m (2), 2060m (1), 2250m (1)