
Bacan Degato


Bacan Degato is a standardbred horse born in Sweden in 2012. Bacan Degato is by Conway Hall (CAN) out of Maderrific (USA) , trained by Sofia Aronsson. Bacan Degato form is available here. Owned by UPPGIFT SAKNAS.


Sire Conway Hall (CAN)1995
Dam Maderrific (USA)2002 [By Muscles Yankee (USA) 1995]

About the horse

Foal Date 28 May 2012
Description 12yo DK B Gelding
Trainer Sofia Aronsson
Owner Uppgift Saknas
PM France : EUR €2,950
Sweden : SEK kr112,900
Total PM AUD $22,149
Career No Wins (0%) - 4 Placings (17%) - 23 starts