
All Flair

All Flair is a standardbred horse born in Australia in 2007. All Flair is by Earl (CAN) out of Flair , trained by N M Johns. All Flair form is available here. Owned by N M Boyd, K Boyd.


Sire Earl (CAN)1989
Dam Flair1988 [By Maori's Idol (AUS) 1972]

About the horse

Foal Date 07 Oct 2007
Description 17yo RO Mare
Trainer N M Johns
Owner N M Boyd, K Boyd
Total PM AUD $121,187
Career 11 Wins (6%) - 60 Placings (42%) - 171 starts
Wins 2116m (4), 2130m (2), 2185m (2), 2503m (2), 2631m (1)
Name LUVAFLAIR (2017)
WPS 23-40-17
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 1684m - 2692m
Win Distances 1730m - 2692m
Total Prize (AUD $) $227,324
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G2 0w-0p-3s - 1684m - 2692m 1730m - 2692m $3,480
G3 2w-0p-3s - 1730m 1730m $36,658
Non Black Type 21w-40p-11s - 1684m - 2692m 2130m - 2692m $187,186